- Fine Art by -
Patricia Whiddon
- A Texas Artist -
Truly unique fine art from a gifted painter. As you view the following art pieces... notice how carefully each piece of paper is laid on the canvas. This technique actually gives the appearance of brush strokes on the canvas. One must remind themselves that they are viewing paper carefully cut and glued on the canvas. No paint is used to create the piece.
White Peacocks
Patricia's Notes:
The White Peacock is truly beautiful and is pure white. This picture is subtitled “ One More Try” The male peacock isn’t giving up showing off, even though the other male has gone to roost and the female is somewhat disinterested. But she’s still looking ….Try to find the pheasant.

The Peacock
Patricia's Notes:
I wanted to show the magnificence of the male peacock. Even when not showing off, his tail is beautiful. This was one of my first pieces. Very detailed. Some tidbits are easy to find, some need to be looked for . On this one the green butterfly is very well hidden, even though it’s fairly large.
Breezy Day
Patricia's Notes:
This piece shows “Springtime in Paris” with swirls representing the breeze carrying the scent of flowers on the air. It reflects the gaiety and lightheartedness of being in love and not taking life too seriously. I’ve been told that it’s breezy around the Eiffel Tower, and there are plenty of flowers in this piece as well as other hidden items. Try to find the mandolin.
The Deer
Patricia's Notes:
This buck thinks highly of himself, as well he should, but will he get the doe? I love fall and I wanted a more "outdoorsy" piece. Many hidden items including cardinals, rifles( very hard to find). There is an elephant, hard to find even though it’s large.
Blue Morpho
Patricia's Notes:
It’s been said that butterflies are “flying flowers”. In “Blue Morpho” I wanted to show the light and carefree quality of a butterfly in flight. The Blue Morpho is one of the more beautiful of butterflies and is my favorite. It is truly a “flying flower”. One butterfly has a passport on his wing…where could it be going? One has a shoe…? Many hidden tidbits, including a staircase, and Atlas holding apart the trees instead of holding up the world.
Romeo and Juliet
Patricia's Notes:
The guests have arrived. The party is in full swing. Many eligible bachelors are hopeful, but where is Juliet…..? She has slipped off to meet her true love. What now? There’s a tiger in the water…be careful Romeo! Hardest picture to find is Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”.
Chinese New Year
Patricia's Notes:
In this piece I wanted to show the vibrancy and festive atmosphere of a Chinese New Year parade. Dragon Dancers, Lion Dancers, confetti, lanterns and a very noisy procession are part of the celebration that kids especially enjoy. The smallest boy in the foreground wishes he could be at the head of the dragon!
Kelly's Goats
Patricia's Notes:
My friend Kelly told me once that her favorite color is green and if she could, she would live in the country and raise goats. So a picture formed in my mind and stayed there for a long time. By the time I did this piece for her she and her husband were blessed with a sweet little boy. I’m sure the goats would love his hat! Maybe someday the picture will come true.
Mary Knew
Patricia's Notes:
She had a story. Her family probably thought she was crazy. Most were angry with her. None but a few believed her. But one thing is certain…Mary Knew.
Still Celebrating
This was a commissioned piece for someone who loves the Houston Astros and The Astrodome.
It shows the Astrodome in its heyday, with lots of hidden items in the stands and the dome and on the field. The Astros are in the outfield, and the famous scoreboard shows the cowboy that would come out shooting when the Astros hit a homerun. So why is he still out on the scoreboard shooting it up? Because… he’s “Still Celebrating! “
I wanted to do a picture, but was having “artist block”. Then one day I was walking somewhere and saw some birds on a fence, and wondered what it must be like to be on the fence with them and this picture is the result. The largest cardinal looks a little surprised but the female is just a little curious as well as adventurous. How do we know this? Because she’s wearing roller skates!
Gone Fishing
Patricia's Notes:
The fish in this pond think the girl might have some food. Some just might be curious about her. But the fish at the top isn't fooled by fingers in the water; he knows a real meal when he sees it. So who is the one who has really " gone fishin' "?
Belleza Oscura (Obscure Beauty)
Patricia's Notes:
The forest is dark. Color is muted. Even the brilliant parrot cannot shine his colors. Until the moonlight shines through and gives a hint of the beauty that will be seen in the daylight.
Grand Finale
Patricia's Notes:
Nothing is more American than a 4th of July fireworks show. And nothing beats the Grand Finale. Inspired by "Chinese New Year" Patricia was asked to create the 4th of July version of the piece. Take a close look at who is lakeside... all are in awe.
Not a Care
Patricia's Notes:
Summertime... what a carefree time to be a child. The perfect time to kick off your sneakers and play in the sun. Her sweet lab plays along side her in the tall grass.